Class Information

We have a limited amount of yoga mats available to rent for $2.

Proceeds are donated to local charities in the Windsor Essex community.

Bandhas & Breath

The bandhas are locks used to move the flow of prana (energy) through specific areas of the body with the use of muscle contraction and, at times, breath retention. This sequence starts with learning how to activate a specific bandha and how to utilize it during the asana portion, then finishes with pranayama and a short meditation.

Each week of the month we learn a different bandha, with each week building from the previous. It is recommended to start on the first week of the month but you're more than welcome to jump in! Please note that weeks 4/5 may include inversions and balancing poses. Some yoga experience is recommended for this class, but is not required. This class is not suitable for anyone with a hernia or prolapse, unfortunately. If you are unsure if this class is suitable for you, please reach out!

Yin to Slow Flow

This 60 minute slow flow class will help you connect to the breath, regulate the nervous system, and reset the mind-body connection, creating and sustaining a safe, calm environment within yourself and for the collective group.

This flow incorporates some longer held Yin poses at the beginning of the class, opening up non-contractile tissues like fascia, ligaments, and joint capsules, allowing for more movement of the body followed by a slow vinyasa.

Lymphatic Love Hatha

Lymphatic yoga is a specialized form of yoga that focuses on stimulating and detoxifying the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system plays a vital role in our body's immune system, as it helps to remove toxins, waste, and excess fluid from our tissues.

Through a combination of gentle movements, deep breathing, and stretching, lymphatic yoga aims to improve the circulation of lymph fluid, which in turn enhances the body's ability to eliminate toxins and boost overall health.

This form of yoga also helps to reduce inflammation, promote relaxation, and support the body's natural healing processes.

Yang Yin

Yang Yin Yoga is a unique and balanced yoga practice that combines active, dynamic movements with passive, restorative poses. This practice aims to create a harmonious balance between strength and flexibility, effort and surrender.

During the Yang phase, students engage in active and energetic postures that build strength and heat in the body, while the Yin phase focuses on relaxing and stretching deep connective tissues.

This practice helps to release tension, increase mobility, and cultivate mindfulness. Students can experience a holistic and well-rounded yoga practice that addresses both physical and mental well-being.

Whether you are looking to enhance your flexibility, build strength, or simply find a sense of calm, Yang Yin Yoga offers a comprehensive approach to achieving balance and harmony in your practice.

East Meets West: Yoga & Pilates

This class combines the very best of Yoga and Pilates! It incorporates movement with an emphasis on proper body alignment while offering a safe and effective exercise experience.

It is intertwined with breathwork and yoga postures. Scapular and pelvic stability, along with proper cervical placement are emphasized. This class will not only offer stretching and strengthening, but a meditative experience as well.


Somatic movement is a holistic approach to movement and body awareness that focuses on the internal experience of the body. It involves exploring the sensations, emotions, and thoughts that arise during movement, and using this awareness to promote healing and self-expression.

Somatic movement practices can range from gentle, slow movements to more dynamic and expressive forms. By tuning into our bodies and paying attention to how we move, we can become more attuned to our physical and emotional needs. This increased body awareness can lead to improved posture, flexibility, and overall well-being.

Somatic movement is a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth, allowing us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level and find greater harmony in our bodies and lives.

Aromatherapy Slow Flow

The combination of aromatherapy and slow flow yoga create a harmonious and relaxing atmosphere for both the mind and body. By incorporating essential oils into the yoga routine, students can experience heightened relaxation, increased focus, and a deeper connection to their practice. The soothing scents create a serene ambiance, while also providing various health benefits.

As the student moves through the flow practice, the aromatic benefits of the essential oils complement the physical relaxation, creating a holistic and rejuvenating experience.

Whether you are a seasoned yogi or new to power yoga, incorporating aromatherapy can enhance your practice and bring a sense of tranquility and balance to your mind and body.

Sound Bath

Sound baths provide a form of relaxation and stress reduction that involve the use of Tibetan singing bowls and crystal bowls. These soothing and resonant sounds create a meditative atmosphere, allowing individuals to unwind and find inner peace. The vibrations emitted by the bowls help to realign and balance the body's energy centers, promoting a sense of energetic alignment.

During a sound bath, participants lie down and immerse themselves in the gentle tones and harmonious vibrations, allowing the mind and body to enter a state of deep relaxation. This practice is not only pleasurable but also has therapeutic benefits, as it can help to reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall well-being.

If you're seeking a way to find tranquility and release stress, a sound bath with Tibetan singing bowls and crystal bowls might be just what you need.

*This class is not suitable for anyone with a pacemaker or history a of seizure disorder.

Spinal Vinyasa Flow

Spinal flow yoga is a dynamic and invigorating style of yoga that focuses on improving the flexibility and strength of the spine. The practice involves a series of fluid movements and poses that gently stretch and mobilize the vertebrae, promoting increased blood circulation and energy flow throughout the entire body.

Through mindful breathing and conscious movement, spinal flow yoga helps to release tension, alleviate back pain, and improve posture. This practice also enhances the body's overall flexibility and balance, promoting a sense of wellbeing and relaxation.

By incorporating different yoga poses and sequences specifically designed to target the spine, spinal flow yoga offers a holistic approach to improving spinal health and promoting a harmonious mind-body connection.

Gentle Hatha

Gentle Hatha yoga is a soothing and calming practice that focuses on gentle movements and deep breathing. It is a perfect choice for those who seek a more relaxed and meditative approach to yoga.

In a gentle Hatha yoga class, the emphasis is on slow and deliberate movements, allowing the body to stretch and open at its own pace. This practice helps improve flexibility, release tension, and increase overall body awareness. The mindful breathing techniques used in gentle Hatha yoga help to quiet the mind, reduce stress, and promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Whether you are new to yoga or looking for a softer practice, gentle Hatha yoga provides a nurturing and rejuvenating experience for both body and mind. With its gentle nature, it is suitable for practitioners of all ages and fitness levels.

Beginner's Yoga

Beginner's yoga is a gentle and accessible practice that is perfect for those who are new to yoga or have limited flexibility. It focuses on the foundations of yoga, such as proper alignment and breath control, making it suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.

In a beginner's yoga class, you can expect to learn basic poses and sequences that help improve strength, balance, and flexibility. The instructor will guide you through each pose, ensuring that you are practicing safely and effectively.

Additionally, beginner's yoga often includes relaxation and meditation techniques, promoting a sense of calm and inner peace. It is a wonderful way to introduce yourself to the world of yoga and experience its numerous physical and mental benefits.

Stress & Trauma Psoas Release

This is a level 1 yoga flow class will encourage our bodies innate ability to release trauma. The psoas muscle is one of the largest muscles in the body, connecting from the top of the thighbone to the thoracic spine behind the diaphragm. It is hardwired into your 'fight or flight' nervous system.

In this class, there are postures that are designed to stretch and tire the psoas muscle. This enables it to release in a way called Neurogenic Tremoring. This tremoring is a natural response from the body to release deeply held trauma and stress, and any associated stress hormones. This is beneficial for decreasing anxiety, releasing chronic tension and pain, improving sleep, mood & digestion, releasing emotional and physical trauma and improves flexibility.

In our society, we are often chronically stressed so our psoas muscle is exhausted and overused. Based on the Trauma Release Exercises developed by David Berceli, PhD, this class will help you to retrain your body to energetically release stress as well as the little and big traumas of life held in your muscles.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a gentle and calming practice that focuses on stimulating the energy channels within the body. This style of yoga targets the yin aspect of our being, which represents the passive and cool energies.

By holding deep stretches for an extended period of time, we can access the connective tissues and meridian lines that run through the body. These meridians are responsible for the flow of energy or chi, and by activating them through yin yoga, we can promote balance and harmony within ourselves.

This practice is wonderful for releasing tension, increasing flexibility, and cultivating mindfulness. As we surrender to the poses and hold them with patience, we allow the body to open up and release blockages, creating a deep sense of relaxation and restoration.

Satsang & Kirtan

Satsang and Kirtan are spiritual gatherings where like minded souls come together to engage in devotional singing and chanting. It is a sacred practice in which participants chant mantras and hymns, accompanied by musical instruments, creating a harmonious and uplifting atmosphere.

Satsang means "association of truth" and kirtan refers to the act of singing the praises of the divine. This practice is deeply rooted in Hindu traditions and believed to help purify the mind, awaken the spirit, and promote unity and love among participants. The repetitive chanting of sacred words and melodies is seen as a form of meditation, allowing individuals to connect with their inner selves and the divine presence.

No experience is necessary for this class and it is open to everyone. It is said that when people chant together, their hearts beat as one! This class is donation based to support monthly charities and does not require to be signed up for in advance.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga is a gentle and calming practice that focuses on deep relaxation and healing. It involves holding postures for an extended period of time, typically using props such as bolsters, blankets, and blocks to support the body.

This form of yoga allows for a deep release of tension and stress, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By slowing down and immersing oneself in restorative poses, the body is able to activate its natural healing abilities and the mind can find a sense of calm and inner peace.

Restorative yoga is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing fatigue, chronic pain, or high levels of stress. It offers a sanctuary for restoration and rejuvenation, allowing practitioners to reconnect with their body, breath, and overall sense of balance.

Integrative Slow Flow

Integrative Yoga is a 1 hour slow flow class that brings together the alignment and continuous interaction of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realities of the Indigenous Medicine Wheel. The circle shape represents the interconnectivity of all aspects of one’s being, including the connection with the natural world. Medicine wheels are frequently believed to be the circle of awareness of the individual self; the circle of knowledge that provides the power we each have over our own lives.

Morning Mat Pilates

This morning mat Pilates class is accessible to everyone, with a focus on strengthening the back and core. Whether you are a beginner or have experience with Pilates, this class is designed to help you improve your posture, flexibility, and overall strength.

Our experienced instructor will guide you through a series of exercises that will target and tone your back and core muscles, leaving you feeling energized and refreshed for the rest of your day. Don't miss out on this opportunity to start your day off right and prioritize your physical well-being.

Core Balance

This one hour class combines strength training and yoga, with a focus on mobility, balance, and proprioception through the feet, knees, hips, and core. By activating this kinetic chain, participants can gain better control over their bodies in space, reduce the risk of injury, and promote healthier joints.

The class is designed for individuals of all levels and abilities, making it accessible to anyone looking to improve their overall strength and flexibility. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this class offers a unique opportunity to integrate the benefits of both strength training and yoga in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Morning Yoga Flow

Join us for a refreshing one-hour morning yoga flow class to start your day off on the right foot. This invigorating session will help you awaken your body and mind, allowing you to find balance and focus for the day ahead. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or just starting out, this class is suitable for all levels.

You will be guided through various poses and sequences to increase flexibility, strength, and mindfulness. Set in a peaceful and serene environment, this class will leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on whatever the day may bring. Join us for an energizing and revitalizing morning yoga flow class.

Motivational Monday Power Flow

Get ready to kickstart your week with our one-hour Motivational Monday class! This upbeat session is filled with energizing music, an affirmation-focused yoga flow, and calming meditation. We'll also practice breathwork to help set our intentions and boost our energy for the week ahead. Expect some inversions and arm balances with this one!

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, this class is designed to uplift your spirits and set a positive tone for your week. Join us as we come together to cultivate motivation, positivity, and mindfulness. Let's start the week off right with a powerful and intentional practice that will leave you feeling invigorated and ready to take on whatever comes your way. See you on the mat!

Yoga Pilates Fusion

Join our one hour beginner friendly class that combines gentle yoga with mat Pilates for all levels. No prior experience in yoga or Pilates is necessary. Come and have fun, relax, and increase your flexibility while strengthening your core.

This class is designed to be accessible for everyone, so whether you're new to the practice or looking to deepen your skills, you'll find something to enjoy. Take this opportunity to focus on your well being and take some time for yourself. You'll leave feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on whatever comes your way. Don't miss out on this chance to invest in your health and wellness. Join us and experience the benefits of this invigorating and transformative class.

Vinyasa 1

This beginner friendly yoga class offers a faster paced flow with some intermediate asanas, making it suitable for those looking to challenge themselves while still building a strong foundation in their practice. With the guidance of an experienced instructor, participants can expect to move through a series of poses that will help improve strength, flexibility, and balance.

The class provides a supportive environment for beginners to gradually advance their practice, while also giving more experienced yogis the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the poses. Whether you're new to yoga or looking to take your practice to the next level, this class offers a great balance of challenge and accessibility.

Yoga with Jana

Yoga with Jana is a holistic practice that targets the hips, back, and core, with added breath work. In addition, Jana incorporates mobility work for the wrists, ankles, neck, and shoulders. Her classes are a blend of hatha, vinyasa flow, kundalini, restorative yoga styles, and Pilates. This combination allows for a well-rounded experience that not only strengthens the body but also promotes flexibility and relaxation.

Whether you are looking to build strength, improve flexibility, or simply unwind and de-stress, Jana's classes offer something for everyone. Join her to explore the many benefits of yoga and Pilates, and to experience a sense of balance and well-being in both body and mind.

Happy Hips

Happy Hips is a beginner-friendly class designed to strengthen and tone the back, core, and pelvic floor through a mix of yoga and Pilates. This class focuses on gentle movements and poses that not only improve flexibility and balance, but also promote a sense of happiness and well-being.

By incorporating elements of both yoga and Pilates, students can expect to experience a full-body workout that targets specific muscle groups, while also learning relaxation techniques to reduce stress and tension.

Whether you're new to yoga and Pilates or a seasoned practitioner, this class offers something for everyone, with an emphasis on creating a supportive and inclusive environment. Join us and discover the joy of movement and the benefits of a healthy, happy body and mind.

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262 Lauzon Rd.

Windsor, Ont.